Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Key Points to Remember When Writing Business School Essays

Business school is probably one of the most unique challenges you'll face beyond college. For one, there are certain requirements you'll have to complete and for another, it does require you to produce essays as part of admissions. Some programs make it even tougher, obliging applicants to produce not just one but multiple essays. So how significant is this to you? It's an indication that business schools place extra emphasis on your ability to communicate your ideas, your initiative and vision. It's also an indication that they put special consideration for your practical experience. That means you will have to put some serious thought into the preparation of your business school essays.

What your essay will contain

What you will write about will depend on the demands of the particular program you're applying for. Generally, though, you will be asked to explain why you chose that program. You will be also asked to write about your short- and long-term goals, your past working or business experience and how you think that particular business program will be beneficial to your career and your future. You will also be asked to write about key changes in your life that made you decide to pursue that particular career path.

Writing your business school essay

You might find it difficult to begin writing the very first sentence in your business school essay but once you've begun, you will find that it will flow naturally from there. To help you create a solid essay that is relevant, here are some important considerations you must keep in mind:

Keep your focus on the theme of your essay.

It's easy to get carried away in your essay, especially if you're very passionate about what you're writing about. Keep in mind that your essay is a reflection of your personality. If it's cohesive and well-written, you will be viewed as an organized individual who is capable of presenting his ideas in a format that people will like and understand.

Don’t meander from one topic to the next. Mention something only if it is beneficial or related to your essay. If not, keep the anecdote for some other more appropriate time.

Be concise.

Don’t try to overwhelm or awe the admissions department by flooding them with words. You're dealing with professionals here, who probably have more experience sifting through business school essays than you have years spent in school.

Use active verbs to imply action and initiative. Keep your sentences short but complete and be direct to the point. Don’t speak as if you're telling them a mysterious tale. Use what valuable paper space you have to convince them that you are the right candidate for the program.

Watch your structure.

This is post-collegiate level you're pursuing. Make sure you write for such level. Don’t make the admissions department think they're reading an essay written by a highschooler. Take note of the technicalities of the language, watch your spelling and grammar. If some sentences are too short, use transition words such as furthermore, consequently, nevertheless, etc.

Be interesting.

Don’t bore your readers with a half-baked effort. Remember that apart from you, there are couple of hundred (at least) other applicants for the program. If your essay doesn’t stand out, the admissions department will have a hard time remembering you and your essay.

If you have weaknesses, don’t highlight them. Instead, address them. Your essay gives you the opportunity to tell your program director what you have done to try to improve yourself.

Don’t be afraid to revise your essay.

If you can ask anyone – a family member or a friend – to read your essay and give you good advice, do so. Reactions from knowledgeable third parties usually help. If your business school essay doesn’t stand too well, revise it. Edit, re-write and if necessary, re-write it once more until you come up with an essay that puts your personality, educational background and experience in a good light.

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