Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Starting it Right: the Best Undergraduate Business Schools

Going to school is probably not the most exciting thing to do, and certainly not when you have to face more teachers, try to get better grades, try to score high on your examinations, and still have fun and survive in the process, not to mention keep your sanity intact. Going to college is certainly a challenge where all of these are concerned, and if you are interested in going to business school, you may have to think about a lot of things, and you might have to do a lot of research in order to get yourself going.

In this day and age of digital technology, the Internet is your best friend when it comes to learning more about the business school that you plan to go to. However, there is no substitute for the human mind and will, so if you are planning to go to business school, you need to first know why you want to go to business school at all. Do you want to run your own business? Are you going to work in your family business, or at a desk job in a corporation? Will you be doing auditing for a major firm? Do you want to do some accounting?

The different business schools out there will specialize in many different fields, so before you start choosing a school, start thinking about your goals. When you finally have a goal, that is when you start choosing a school – and based largely on your prospective adviser. Look through the faculty list of each school and look for people who have interesting research work, or who are affiliated with companies that you would like to work with, or that are interesting enough for you to emulate in the future when you set up your own business.

When you finally find the faculty member that you like, email this faculty member and ask about the business school. See if the faculty member can give you a tour of the facilities, and ask to drop in for a visit. The best members of any faculty should be able to accommodate your requests and give you the chance to see how they can help you have a better future. Do not be afraid to ask questions: an undergraduate business school is a highly competitive place, and you need to know a lot of ins and outs in order to be comfortable enough in the business school atmosphere. This may lead you to perform even better.

There are other considerations, of course, that come into play, such as finances and location. Some schools will offer scholarships to academic achievers, but if you have average or only slightly above average grades, you might want to apply to a scholarship program that might be specific to your needs or status instead. You might also want to look at a school’s location: if you want to be far away from home and learn how to be independent, you will also have to spend more on lodging, out-of-state tuition, and other fees that are associated with living expenses. If you are near home, on the other hand, you can comfortably commute to school, but you need to factor in your commuting expenses as well.

These are only a few things that you may want to watch out for as you choose an undergraduate business school. Remember, there is no such thing as a single best undergraduate business school. The best school will be the one that is perfect for your needs and future goals, and it is one that will help you get through to a brighter future.

A Closer Look at Manchester Business School

The Manchester Business School is under the umbrella of the University of Manchester. It is one of the biggest campus based business and management school in all of the United Kingdom. They are aiming to provide world-class business and management training and education to students through their many postgraduate and undergraduate programs. They are also offering training courses to experienced practitioners, as well as those who want to increase their knowledge and expertise leveling to meet a certain educational criteria or requirement.

The Manchester Business School offers management, accounting, finance, and business courses. Depending upon which course you want to take, students could easily finish the degrees in 3 to 4 years time. The accounting and finance programs offered by the university touch on social sciences as well, a curriculum not offered by other universities. Their business undergraduate courses is integrated with the broader context of social and economic factors. They also offer information systems, which is the currently very necessary in business application. And their management courses cover the specialized areas of your choice of business or profession.

The Specialist Masters offered by the Manchester Business School strives to produce graduates that are not only business savvy but also are able to provide global solutions to on-going problems. They want to form graduates that can deliver programs of international relevance, considering worldwide perspectives. The Specialist Masters courses offered are Accounting and Finance, Business Administration, Global Business Analysis, and Decision Sciences / Operational Research, among others.

The MBA degrees of the Manchester Business School run for eighteen months on a full-time basis. The degrees have 3 key stages. The first is the introductory module, followed by the diploma stage, and lastly, the MBA stage. The school also offers summer internship programs to their students that will provide them with an opportunity to earn while gaining relevant experience for credits with their respective MBA degrees.

Aside from these three major educational degrees, the Manchester Business School also offers postgraduate research. And right now, the school is positioned at the second top spot in the FT rankings in 2007. Their postgraduate research program is the biggest one in the United Kingdom. They are able to keep their high rank all throughout the years because they only recruit highly qualified students for their Doctoral Programs. The three types of research being offered by the Manchester Business School are Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Degree of Master of Philosophy, and DBA by distance learning.

Executive education is also one of the premier offerings of the University of Manchester. It aims to provide corporate leaders and executives with cutting edge thinking in both the areas of management and leadership. They have created a highly progressive program that is recognized internationally. The program aims to develop middle to senior corporate manages and board members to become better in the respective line of work. All participants, regardless of their nationality and race are accepted. The program's two core values are relevance and research. Currently, development programs or customized programs being are offered to corporate executives. This is the program that is specifically created for company leaders who wants to have an MBA but don't want to go through the stress and difficulties in getting one.

But aside from all these, Manchester Business School also conducts their own research and studies on different subject matter at hand. These research are published in their website and anywhere else on the internet. They can be browsed and accessed, along with many other socially relevant information that were created by the school's best students.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Sauder School of Business: Building a Career

Choosing a career in business is a big leap for any student and searching for an excellent school to educate you on your chosen endeavor is yet a bigger leap. And why is that? Your choice of business school would determine a chunk of your future. If the best is what you have in mind, then take a look at what The Sauder School of Business could offer.

Formerly known as the University of British Columbia Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, this business school is situated right in The University Endowment Lands which is westside of Vancouver, Canada (near the city limits). Its programs include diploma courses, bachelor courses, masters and even Ph.D. As of the moment, there are about 28,000 alumni from 60 countries.

This school has a rich history to boast of. Way back in 1929, it has offered its very first degree on Bachelor of Commerce. This is in response to the lobbying of the business society. The lobbyists were members of the Vancouver Board of Trade.

1950 marked the school’s partnership with and the C.G.S, C.A., C.M.A, Banff School of Management, C.G.S., C.M.A., C.A., and the Real Estate Council of British Columbia, to establish the School of Commerce. 1952 was the year when graduate education for business was offered.

There were many more historical happenings after these years but it was in June 5, 2003 that the school was finally named The Sauder School of Business with its many educational undergraduate and post-graduate programs. These include the following:

1. Early Career Masters

2. Diploma Course in Sales and Marketing (SME)

3. Master of Management in OR

4. Master of Health Administration

5. Master of Business Administration

6. PhD/MSc

7. Executive Masters of Business Administration

8. Executive Education

9. Centre for CEO Leadership

10. Accounting diploma

11. Real Estate Division

As to the MBA programs, it is imperative that the candidate has a work experience of about 6-8 years.

Just so we would have an idea of what the school has proven, perhaps, it is best to look at some of the alumni that the school has produced:

1. Bruce Birmingham, Bank of Nova Scotia (Former President), MBA 1971.

2. Bill Dalton, HSBC Bank (Chief Executive), BCom 1971.

3. V. Paul Lee, Electronic Arts Canada & World Wide Studios (SVP & COO), BCom 1987.

4. Pedro Man, Starbucks Coffee Asia Pacific Limited (President), MBA 1981.

5. Henry McKinnell, Pfizer Inc. (CEO & Chairman), BCom 1965.

Recently, the school made some news on the field of sports: a Sauder Professor has offered the foremost systematic analysis on the performance of golf which he did by comparing 440 records of players from different locations. His study has been of great help in this sport.

Needless to say, the school has produced choice leaders in business and commerce. And if those are not enough to make you hop onboard, then consider the fact that it is included on the list of top 100 business schools. The Sauder School of Business also received the most number of research grants in all of Canada (as compared to all other business schools there). And with all its achievements and powerful methods of teaching, there is surefire success. So when looking for a good business school to back you up in your future business career, look no further.

Thunder Bird Business School: The Producer of Champions

Business schools are everywhere nowadays. All of them claim that they offer the best in business education. But when it comes to choice business schools, only a handful has proven that they can produce the best. And yes, Thunder Bird Business School is definitely one of them.

The school was founded in 1946 by the great Lieutenant General Barton Kyle Yount. He was the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Air Training Command.

During his time, General Yount envisioned that the country needed international executives and he knew that to answer that dream, he has to build a business school. The school that he built focused solely on International Management. It was in April 8, 1946 that this dream was realized.

This business school is formerly a training facility for American, British, Canadian and Chinese World War II pilots. Some of the buildings that were used for this purpose could still be found in the campus today (the most prominent are the control tower on the airfield, hangars and barracks).

It also boasts of being the largest and oldest graduate management teaching facility in all of the United States. Even up to now, its aim is still to prepare and produce global business leaders, which is evident on its mission statement-- "We educate global leaders who create sustainable prosperity worldwide."

Some of the achievements that the school is truly proud of are the following (and these are just the most current awards given to the school):

1. #1 International Business (with its 7th consecutive first ranking)/The Wall Street Journal/Harris Interactive Survey of Corporate Recruiters 2007.

2. #1 Best in International Business Full-time MBA/Financial Times 2007.

3. #7 Most Family Friendly-Best Business Schools/Princeton Review 2007

4. #2 International Clients Custom Programs/Financial Times 2007

5. #1 International Programs (with its 12th consecutive first ranking)/U.S. News & World Report 2008.

At Thunder Bird Business School, a student learns to perform business ‘world class’. He would also learn to be aware of different cultures and would acquire soft skills. And if you are not inclined to take business courses, the school also offers undergraduate programs in languages and liberal arts; they also offer engineering. Some of the business programs that the school offers are the following:

1. MBA in Global Management (there is a choice whether to take the course the traditional way or to study abroad).

2. (Accelerated Program) MBA in Global Management—can be finished the traditional way or by studying abroad).

3. Post MBA -Master of Global

4. Master of Arts in Global Affairs and Management

5. Master of Science in Global Management

6. Global MBA for Latin American Managers

7. Post MBA On-Demand Master of Global Management

They also have the so-called open enrollment programs. These are short-term, non-degree programs that give out certificates for business experts. These certificate programs help meet the obstacles of global competition, some management issues that are cross-cultural, and they aim to enhance international leadership expertise. Examples of their leadership programs include: Global Leadership Certificate Program (which is PMI certified), Effective Leadership Communication: Engaging Employees, Key Stakeholders, and the Media (also PMI certified), Globalization: Merging Strategy with Action on the Course of Leadership, to name a few.

With Thunder Bird’s rich cultural and historical background, students are sure to develop all the necessary skills that they need to survive in the tough world of business. And once they are equipped with these skills, they will surely excel in their chosen professions.

Key Points to Remember When Writing Business School Essays

Business school is probably one of the most unique challenges you'll face beyond college. For one, there are certain requirements you'll have to complete and for another, it does require you to produce essays as part of admissions. Some programs make it even tougher, obliging applicants to produce not just one but multiple essays. So how significant is this to you? It's an indication that business schools place extra emphasis on your ability to communicate your ideas, your initiative and vision. It's also an indication that they put special consideration for your practical experience. That means you will have to put some serious thought into the preparation of your business school essays.

What your essay will contain

What you will write about will depend on the demands of the particular program you're applying for. Generally, though, you will be asked to explain why you chose that program. You will be also asked to write about your short- and long-term goals, your past working or business experience and how you think that particular business program will be beneficial to your career and your future. You will also be asked to write about key changes in your life that made you decide to pursue that particular career path.

Writing your business school essay

You might find it difficult to begin writing the very first sentence in your business school essay but once you've begun, you will find that it will flow naturally from there. To help you create a solid essay that is relevant, here are some important considerations you must keep in mind:

Keep your focus on the theme of your essay.

It's easy to get carried away in your essay, especially if you're very passionate about what you're writing about. Keep in mind that your essay is a reflection of your personality. If it's cohesive and well-written, you will be viewed as an organized individual who is capable of presenting his ideas in a format that people will like and understand.

Don’t meander from one topic to the next. Mention something only if it is beneficial or related to your essay. If not, keep the anecdote for some other more appropriate time.

Be concise.

Don’t try to overwhelm or awe the admissions department by flooding them with words. You're dealing with professionals here, who probably have more experience sifting through business school essays than you have years spent in school.

Use active verbs to imply action and initiative. Keep your sentences short but complete and be direct to the point. Don’t speak as if you're telling them a mysterious tale. Use what valuable paper space you have to convince them that you are the right candidate for the program.

Watch your structure.

This is post-collegiate level you're pursuing. Make sure you write for such level. Don’t make the admissions department think they're reading an essay written by a highschooler. Take note of the technicalities of the language, watch your spelling and grammar. If some sentences are too short, use transition words such as furthermore, consequently, nevertheless, etc.

Be interesting.

Don’t bore your readers with a half-baked effort. Remember that apart from you, there are couple of hundred (at least) other applicants for the program. If your essay doesn’t stand out, the admissions department will have a hard time remembering you and your essay.

If you have weaknesses, don’t highlight them. Instead, address them. Your essay gives you the opportunity to tell your program director what you have done to try to improve yourself.

Don’t be afraid to revise your essay.

If you can ask anyone – a family member or a friend – to read your essay and give you good advice, do so. Reactions from knowledgeable third parties usually help. If your business school essay doesn’t stand too well, revise it. Edit, re-write and if necessary, re-write it once more until you come up with an essay that puts your personality, educational background and experience in a good light.

A School to Teach You Business Planning for a Non-Profit Organization?

When you go to a business school, you learn to plan a business well: you need to know how much capital you have, so you carefully fashion a business plan so that you cover all aspects of the business, including marketing, selling, and other techniques that will allow you to make a profit. You might also include an exit plan, which will allow you to recoup your savings or still keep your money even if the business fails. However, is there actually a way to plan out a non-profit organization, and are there schools that teach this type of business planning?

There are many different schools that actually teach how you can plan out a non-profit organization, and a business plan is actually the right format to go about it. A business plan will describe your venture in great detail: is it an organization, will it give away products, will it be donating to specific organizations? What are the benefits and advantages of having such an organization? A non-profit organization needs donors who are business people, and these donors will be looking for a plan that provides enough evidence to show that the non-profit organization is sustainable. Moreover, donors want to know that their money is being put to good use, so a business plan is always in order when non-profit organizations are built.

Most business plans will also have research to back them up. For instance, for companies that are up and coming, and that are offering products that are new to the market, a business plan might include descriptions of research results showing how good the product is or how effective it can be, as well as research showing how much the product is needed in the market. In a non-profit organization, the research might show how the non-profit organization is needed, say to donate products, offer services, or even broker knowledge. Research is not just something that is confined to laboratories or academics: it is something that is needed to show how effective or required a business can be.

When searching for a school that will help you put up your non-profit organization, look for schools that have faculty members that are experienced in either running non-profit organizations, or being a part of such organizations. Better yet, look for schools that are involved with non-profit organizations, so that you may be able to get an internship or work more closely with such organizations and thereby get a clearer and better idea of how a non-profit organization operates and how it should be run.

There are other things that you may want to consider when you are planning out your non-profit organization. Simply keep in mind that your efforts are akin to applying for a grant: you need to convince your donors that you need the money and that the money is going to a good cause. Your grant proposal may include aspects such as details on how you will get the word out on the non-profit organization; how you will staff it and how much your staff will receive in compensation; how your staff will be managed; how your finances will be managed, such as your costs of operation and your overall budget; and a description of your credentials and those of your partners’, if any.

When looking for such a business school, be on the lookout for people who might help you in the future. As you build that non-profit organization, you will find that the people in your past can help you make a better organization that will last for a longer time.

Investing in Your Future in Business: Which Business School

Entering a business school is a serious endeavor for many aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs. After all, many of the graduates of some of the top business schools in the U.S., Europe and Asia are highly acknowledged and respected members of their respective industries. Business school graduates have gone on to establish successful careers in business, politics, marketing and other private and government services. Choosing what business school to go to is also a huge investment, requiring time, effort and money. It can have a huge impact on anybody's career and future.

To help you decide on your choice, here are several important considerations to keep in mind:

The degree and program

A business school is only as good as the quality of its business programs. Find out if the school you are checking out offers the degree you want to earn and the program you want to learn. MBA programs, for example, can vary from one school to another. The type of curriculum included also matters, particularly if you want to pursue a certain field of specialization.

The length of time it will take to complete a program should also be considered. There are MBA programs that can be completed within one year, two years or four years. Some programs can also be completed on a part-time basis or as part of distance education.

Requirements for application

Some of the top business schools have highly selective admission procedures. This makes their programs very competitive, particularly if they limit the number and quality of their students for a particular program.

Find out the type of admissions requirements the school has and determine if your qualifications match.

Class size

This is not exactly a top consideration but if you're the type of student who prefers individualized teaching, you might want to look for business schools that offer smaller-size classes or those with a low teacher-student ratio. If the size of the class doesn’t bother you, then you'll be more flexible with your choices.

Your budget

It is said that to make money, you have to spend money. When investing in your future through business school, this can mean some huge costs on your part. Tuitions charged by many of the most trusted and best business schools can be very costly. If you are not prepared for the cost and have no resources with which to sustain your studies, applying for a program might prove impractical.

Consider what you can afford to pay and then look at prospective schools that will fit the budget you have set. Consider other expenses as well, such as books, dormitory or apartment rentals, subject-related resources, memberships to clubs, trips, cost of mentorship (if necessary) and other school-related expenses.

Your perception

Other than the factors mentioned above, your choice really boils down to the business school you prefer, particularly the one where you feel comfortable in. Try to get as much information about schools in your area or make a list of the schools that fit your ideal profile. Visit their websites or ask for brochures so you can learn more about their programs, curriculum, faculty, students, etc.

Many business schools are also more than happy to provide additional information about their institution. If you have the opportunity, try to visit the school campus and talk to professors and other students. If the school allows you to sit in on their classes, you might also want to take that opportunity as well. Choosing what business school you should go to should be a proactive activity, one that will allow you to make informed decisions about the future of your career or business.

Business School Long Distance: The Allied Business School

Many people want to start their businesses, earn their own keep, and have their own success story to tell in a couple of years. However, not everyone has the money or the time to actually go back to school and stay in school, especially with a family to raise, children to feed, and many other priorities to meet. This is why many people opt for distance education in order to earn their degrees from reputable institutions, and still get the knowledge they need to get ahead. One such distance education institution is the Allied Business School, which has been providing distance education for over fifteen years.

The Allied Business School boasts of course materials that are up-to-date, and are reviewed regularly in order to keep them current. Because students are largely based at home, the instructions for all course work, homework, and examinations are developed especially to fit the needs of students working in the home environment. The Allied School system also supports its students by being on call to answer questions. When school ends, the Allied Business School also helps its students get jobs by preparing them for the job market. The Allied Business School will give advice on how to write a resume, phrase out a cover letter, network amongst companies, respond well during interviews, and make the best transition from a student, to an employee.

The Allied School also offers education in the medical and real estate fields. There are also different levels of certification. For instance, you can be a licensed broker, or you can start off your career as a property manager. You can also specialize in medical coding, medical billing, or be an assistant in medical administration. You can also be a businessperson who has strong skills in accounting and computers. The Allied Business School also offers program for military members who are on active duty, their spouses, and even veterans.

There are two ways for students to complete their coursework via distance education, and through the Allied Business School. Through a traditional correspondence course, students will receive their course materials via their mail, while in the online course, the students receive the same course materials online. However, with the online course, the students are able to complete all their examinations and homework immediately.

Once students receive their course materials, they are given up to a year to complete their course. At this rate, they work at their own pace as they complete their assignments and do their exams. At the end of the year, they will be awarded a Certificate of Completion. At this point, students can immediately enter the job market if they have a certification for a certain profession, or they can choose to undergo more coursework if they need it for their specific business or organization.

The Allied Business School, as part of the Allied School, is an accredited school. The school also offers payment plans that can make it convenient for students to enroll without worrying about their finances. Students can start with a small down payment, and then follow up for the next six months by installment. There are other financial packages available for students who need such assistance.

The Allied Business School is open for enrollment all year. If you are interested in a course at the Allied Business School, visit

Monday, February 27, 2012

Harvard Business School Press Offers Change Branding Solutions

Nowadays, brand recognition is very important in differentiating your product from the rest; this is where Harvard Business School Press change branding comes in. This organization can offer advices on how a business can establish a brand to have a great impact on the consciousness of the customers.

Choosing the suitable media from a variety of available mediums is very essential because right now, most customers already have an affinity to the brand they are using. If you are one of those brands, it is important for you to maintain this affinity even though you intend to change your corporate or product branding. On the other hand, if you are only starting out or if the company you work for is not that popular, it is important for you to change your image; one of your choices is to change your brand.

There are some companies that use the long-tail and user-generated strategy to build brand recognition and brand loyalty even while they are changing their brand image. Take the example of Dove; they used to have the Campaign for Real Beauty where women were told to embrace their differences from other women, in short, to embrace their imperfections. Now, Dove is known as the soap which has one-fourth moisturizer content. So while this campaign does nothing to strengthen this feature, women still became loyal to the brand because of what it stood for.

Whether this brand strategy will prove to be successful over the long term still remains to be seen. But if they decide to consult with an established organization such as the Harvard Business School, they will have a greater chance to know the kind of campaign they should launch. Students at the Harvard Business School will likewise know a lot because of the various materials that will be provided for them later on. This adds to their knowledge so they can become effective and highly successful when they enter the business world in the future.

Companies should look into consulting with experts in the academia because they have a practical and theoretical experience with an unbiased opinion that can help propel a company to success. As you can expect, having an outsiders view is an essential aspect in conducting business. This is because often, most people involved in the company get so caught up with issues and concern for the company that they can no longer judge their brand or their product positioning for the market accurately. Right now, the Harvard Business School change branding service is one of the most effective ways for a company to gather information that will enable them to launch a specific campaign for an effective brand development.

Companies who decide to take advantage of the services provided by the Harvard Business School will surely not regret it. The kind of service and advice they can expect from this organization is worth every penny they shell out. With this in mind, it is no wonder that the Harvard Business School is experiencing growth in this area.

The Harvard Business School is certainly an organization you can trust to provide up-to-date and reliable information and advice about today’s business environment and market trends. Most companies can expect profitability if they take advantage of the change branding services that can be given by the school.

Tips on Choosing a Business School

Some people enroll in a business school just for fun, for leisure. Some say it's for experience, for others career advancement is their reason. Other professionals would say going to business schools is required for a possible job promotion. Peer pressure is also one, "My friends are enrolling in a business school so I'm going to join them too." No matter what the reason may be, choosing a business school may affect your career or lifestyle. It is imperative that we analyze the business schools first before you enroll, this will help determine your future career.

The website of The School of Management at the University of Dallas in Texas provides the Top 100 rankings of Business Schools. Business Week also features B-Schools page in their site that presents Business School Rankings and profiles. also gives out International Side by Side rankings of the best Business Schools. can also help you in identifying top business schools for grads and undergrads. We may use the database of these sites to track down credentials if a Business School of your choice is really worth your time, money, and effort.

Before you spend money for the enrollment, isn't it wise if we will examine first the profile of the school and consider some important aspects? Here are some guidelines to light your path.

* Degree

Does the Business School your eyeing for offers a degree that you want? There are even several options whether you would like to take a 2-year or 4-year program. If the degree that you wish to take is not in the list then look for another school, don't waste your time in a school where your chosen degree is not offered.

* Cost

Can you afford the tuition fee and other possible expenses? Next thing that you will consider is the cost of your enrollment, is it worth your money? If you are really dying for that school and don't have enough budget you can apply for a part-time job for an extra income before the enrollment. In this case, you can gather more funds by saving for your tuition fee. You're lucky if you don't have a problem with the budget but it doesn't end there...

* Future

Consider the graduates of the school if they are achievers or successful in their fields. Most likely, the products of that Business School reflect the capability and excellence of the school. If you know a graduate of that school, have a little chit chat with him and get some feedback or bits of advice. After all, your goal is to obtain a brighter future right?

* Curriculum

Request for a curriculum and study it carefully. Is it broadly focused like a general program for business administration or is it narrowly focused meaning there are areas of specialization? Which program works best for you? If you are more on production, then choose a curriculum that is specialized in production.

* Facilities

Isn't it more convenient to study in a school equipped with great facilities, classrooms, libraries, and other buildings? This will add up to the school's competitiveness and degree of professionalism.

* Schedule

Does the school offer a more flexible class schedule? Does it only have one day fixed schedule? Know what is best for you. Do not choose a class schedule that overlaps your other work activities. You do not want to run in late always do you? You can only serve one master at the same time.

* Faculty

Get to know the faculty staff of the school. Are they morally upright? Are they also academically outstanding with masteral degrees and achievements in their own fields? Consider those instructors that you will encounter, are they worth your time? You should be able to learn a lot from them that will be beneficial for your growth personally and professionally. The teachers should be dedicated enough in teaching othewise you're just trashing money and wasting time on them.

* Dignity or Reputation

If you can afford to enroll in a prestigious Business School then do it. There are sites that you can visit, as mentioned a while ago, to determine the high ranking business schools. Bear in mind also that not all top-ranked Business Schools have good reputation. Enroll in a school that is and was not involved in any malicious or unethical scandals, this way the dignity and integrity of the school is preserved.

* Student Feedback

Sometimes, reading thorugh the brochures and official websites of these schools are not sufficient if you are a bit reluctant about the credentials of the school. Interview some students and get reactions from them. Based from their comments was the school good enough for you or are you not satisfied with what you heard?

There you go folks! Those are just some of the factors that you should watch out for in choosing a Business School. Keep in mind that you hold your future, no matter how perfect and how outstanding your Business School is if you don't strive for better perfromance, it will all be wasted. The abovementioned are only standards or criteria that will guide your way but in the end, it all depends on you.

How to Find the Best Business Schools

You are in the workplace and you find that you are working hard for average pay, but you don’t feel that you’re advancing or learning new things; you feel that you are stagnating and are losing your touch on things, or that you are not as fast and as adept, or even as up-to-date on trends as you once were. You are in your final months as an undergraduate, and you have a fairly vague idea of where you want to be in the future: running a business or being part of one, and earning more money thanks to your knowledge and education. In either case, you may want to look for a business school to help you out and make you achieve your dreams – but what are the best business schools?

Despite all the lists and compiled school summaries that you will find both online and offline, the best business schools are really those that will help you succeed in the line of business that you want to get into. There are many different business schools out there with many different specialties, so if you are looking for the best business school to go to as you want to advance your career, or get into the workplace, you will need to know what exactly it is that you want first. Are you going to be doing accounting and auditing? Will you be running a business, managing people, hiring people, handing out salaries or wages, or overseeing processes?

Once you know what it is that you want to do, then you can pick out the best business school for you. True, there are the top tier business schools such as Wharton and Harvard, but consider other smaller business schools that might not be as well known, but are experienced in teaching the business aspects that you want to know more about. In particular, if you can find information on alumni of the school, see if their interests and credentials match yours. You might also want to check if the business school to which you are applying is accredited, as this can be an important benchmark of school and curriculum integrity.

You may also want to consider either a live classroom or distance education as the mode of instruction. If you opt for the live classroom, you will have the convenience of really going back to school and not having a headache over the computer programs and computer-based texts that distance education schools will employ. On the other hand, a distance education program will allow you to go to school even while you are based at home, or while you are still on the job, so that you do not have to go through the inconvenience of having to actually return to school. Look for schools that offer the mode of instruction that you need.

Moreover, look for schools that will offer you financial and job assistance. You can have scholarships or even fellowships to go to business schools, and often, the best business schools receive a lot of funding that will be shunted into their scholarship or fellowship program. Once you graduate, some schools will also offer you job hunting assistance, and others, as they are allied with companies, will actually give you placement.

These are only a few things to watch out for as you look for the best business schools. For more information, look for these schools online, and start planning your future in detail. Once you know what you want, you can find the best business school for you.

Criteria for Ranking Business Schools

How credible are those Business School Rankings? How do they come up with the top Business Schools in the land?

Business School Ranking is an effective tool used by many in searching for the right Business School. Most people rely on these data to determine if their chosen school is the school of their dreams. You're probably wondering what specific criteria/standards they use in ranking Business Schools and who are responsible for measuring them?

The Economist and Financial Times provide individual rankings of Business Schools. All of them use various criteria if a Business school deserves to be on the A-list or receives a failing grade. Other providers are BusinessWeek, Forbes, and Wall Street Journal.

The Economist

It conducted an Economist Intelligence Unit Survey of more than 200 senior executives. They came up with the following ten significant areas for selecting an open-programme provider

* Content and internationalism of the programme

* Faculty quality

* Provider's Amenities

* Quality of fellow participants

* Level of post-course support for partcipants

* Capable of demonstrating an impact back in the workplace

* Cost/value for money

* Wide range of courses

* Maintaining an ongoing relationship

Based on the aforementioned criteria, open programme participants were asked to rate those schools that they attended and eventually came up with top eight business schools.

Financial Times

They used twenty criteria to determine their rankings. The first eight criteria are based on alumni survey, the second nine criteria came from business schools' survey and the basis of last three criteria is on research survey.

Alumni Survey

* Weighted Salary

* Salary percentage increase

* Value for money

* Career progress

* Aims achieved

* Placement success

* Alumni recommendation

* International mobility

Business School Survey

* Employed at three months

* Women faculty

* FT doctoral rating

* International faculty

* International students

* International board

* International experience

* Languages

* Faculty with doctorates

Research survey

* FT research rating

According to Dr. N.M. Kondap, vice-chancellor of NMIMS University, "Surveys are conducted using different metrics and parameters. Some amount of discrepancy also occurs during the assessment of the survey which is reflected in the results."

Mastering the Art of Business at Wharton Business School

Wharton Business School in the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is one of the best and most recognized schools of business in the United States. It is, in fact, the very first American business school to be developed. Wharton is a highly respected academic institution for would-be businessmen and entrepreneurs-in-training. It is also the institution of choice for many beginners in business who want to learn from some of the best instructors in the world.

Early history

Wharton Business School began as The Wharton School of Finance and Economy in 1881, actually the first school of business in the world. It was founded by Joseph Wharton, a philanthropist and industrialist in Philadelphia. Wharton had built his empire focusing on industrial metallurgy, running both the Bethlehem Steel Corporation and the American Nickel Company.

Wharton had dreamt of building a school that will educate and develop students for future jobs as leaders in both business and the government. As an academic institution, the Wharton School was the very first to publish textbooks in business, the first to establish an entrepreneurship center, the first to create a program for students in international management, the first to establish a Master's program in real estate and healthcare, the first to develop a program for executive development and the first to establish a research center.

The Wharton School symbol, the anvil, is a homage to its founder's contributions to the industry of metal and metal works.

Wharton Business School academics

The academic programs available in the Wharton Business School include:

Undergraduate Program

The four-year undergraduate program has a total of 37 courses, all of which allow a student to earn a degree in Bachelor of Science in Economics. The courses include, among others, subjects in accounting, finance, informational management and marketing.

MBA Program

The MBA Program at Wharton is one of the most famous in the U.S. and around the world. It is one of the few masteral in business programs that allow students to create their own major, individualized according to their desired courses of study and preferences. All they have to do is complete a core curriculum for their first year and then proceed to complete the master's program according to their goals and interests.

The highest honor in the MBA Program is called the Palmer Scholar, which is conferred to the graduating class' top 5%. Students who complete the first year of their MBA program with the highest cumulative GPA are given the Ford Fellowship.

Doctoral Program

The Doctoral Program at Wharton Business School offers 12 fields of specialization. This program is full-time and awards successful students with a PhD instead of a DBA that other programs offer. The program will require at least 4 years to complete and includes specializations such as Business & Public Policy, Statistics, Real Estate, Insurance & Risk Management, Finance and Ethics & Legal Studies, among others. Students entering the Doctoral Program are funded.

Students and Alumnae

The Wharton Alumni network boasts of over 81,000 members spread across more than 140 countries. To date, there are 82 alumni clubs often participating in the annual reunion, along with Global Alumni Forums. Some of the more famous Wharton Business School graduates include many of the presidents, CEOs and chairman of the top companies in the world, business and political leaders around the world and academic pioneers.


The admissions policy at Wharton is one of the toughest and most selective. Student applicants will be required to have excellent scores in GMAT, high GPA and a list of credentials usually considered essential for admission.

Generally, applications to Wharton Business School are accepted using two methods: the paper format and online through Application requirements to different programs may vary.

Learning Practical Business with Business School in a Box

Going to business school is one of the top priorities for many entrepreneurs who wish to learn more about their industry and advance their careers. An established business school is considered as a key component in the building of a strong background in business. This is recognized as fact by many professionals, majority of whom have completed courses in business schools and gone on to build successful careers in many industries. The only challenge here for many individuals wishing to take advantage of the training provided by business schools is that the effort takes time and money. As an alternative, is it truly possible to obtain the necessary knowledge through business school in a box?

A boxed opportunity

The main drawback of traditional business schools is that they require physical attendance, something that takes a certain amount of effort on the part of the student. This has prompted many organizations to offer what they call 'business school in a box', a series of knowledge-based learning sessions, articles and lectures that are designed to offer students a means to learn from established standards and become well-versed in many aspects of business, including accounting, finance and marketing.

Often, what is packaged as 'business in a box' is often a packaged series of lessons or serialized lectures that students can access online. Concepts, ideas and theories in business are taught in graduated lessons.

What to expect

The main characteristic of a business school in a box is that it is a form of distance education and as such, some lessons may not provide direct interaction with the instructor or fellow students. Learning is also determined by the student's own efforts and will, which means that students will have to be able to work effectively without supervision.

Lessons are typically presented in small packs and assignments, including simulations and projects, may also be included. Depending on the institution, some lessons may provide live online classes, allowing students to participate in lectures and discussions in real time.

Advantages of using a business school in a box

There are several advantages to opting to learn more about business using non-traditional methods such as a business school in a box. These include:


A business school in a box is the equivalent of distance learning, a well-respected and established method of imparting knowledge. Many of today's top schools, including business schools, use this method in order to provide better services and reach more students. A student in China, for example, can complete business school courses offered by a school established in the United States.

Students also don’t have to be physically present in the classroom in order to participate. Students simply have to learn lessons at their own pace in the privacy of their own homes. This gives them the flexibility and relative freedom that are otherwise difficult to achieve in a more traditional classroom setting.


Generally, a business school in a box is relatively less expensive than a traditional business school. Most assignments and tasks assigned usually require only the use of available technology, with minimal need to produce hard copies. That is, unless it's indicated by the institution. The fact that the program can also be accessed from the home helps the student save on other expenses.

Access to different resources

Some of the best business schools in a box programs can use a combination of teaching methods to optimize the learning experience of the student. Other than passive lectures, for example, students can also take advantage of online classroom settings, forums, chats and instant messaging in order to communicate with their instructors and peers.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

All About the Bristol Business School

Going to business school can be a challenge, whether you are an undergraduate, or if you are wishing to continue your education. If you are an undergraduate, you need to attend many seminars and presentations, talk to business leaders and be as updated as possible on the latest in the business world, and all while you are struggling to keep up with your studies, finish your homework, and even get educated in other key disciplines. If you are continuing your education, you will need to raise a family or keep your job, and you need to juggle all these as you try to finish business school.

One such business school that you may want to consider is the Bristol Business School, which operates under the University of the West of England. The Bristol Business school is composed of over three thousand students, and is divided into seven schools that are based on seven key disciplines in the world of business. These include economics, accounting and finance, marketing, operations and information management, human resource management, organization studies, and strategy and international business.

The lecture staff of the Bristol Business School work in both research and consultancy, an some of the staff have also worked as members of industry. According to the school, this wide range of expertise allows the staff to be informed, and consistently, with examples that are drawn directly from both experience and practice. The Bristol Business School itself offers various programs, whether the entering student wishes to start off on an undergraduate track; hopes to continue education in a postgraduate track; or renew or update knowledge through professional courses.

Bristol is in the south of England, and the main campus of the Bristol Business School is located at Frenchay, which is about five miles to the north of the Bristol city center. Thanks to investments and development work of about a hundred and fifty million pounds’ worth, the school is now equipped with student accommodation facilities, as well as leisure facilities. The school itself also has a good many computing facilities that will allow students to not only access their email and communicate through various online modes, but allow them to hone their computer and information management skills as well. The University of the West of England is also home to one of the United Kingdom’s largest libraries.

The city of Bristol itself is a great place to be if you are considering some time off from business school. The city is modern, with a rich multicultural environment. It has also been redeveloped, with its riverside places having stretches of waterfronts that house bars, night clubs, cafes, and even art and media centers. There are also many shopping areas within the Bristol city center, as well as sports facilities that can allow students to unwind. Nearby are major railway stations, as well as an international airport that services flights to continental Europe, or across the Atlantic Ocean and to the United States. This can be an added advantage for students from the United States who might want to consider doing their business school education abroad.

These are only a few facts about the Bristol Business School that you may want to consider. For more information, visit their official website at where you can learn more about the options available to you as a student. You can also read more about the achievements of the school and its staff, and see if your future goals meet the research work of the school.

Want to Set Up Truck Driving Schools?

Heres a Great Business Plan...

Are you one of those truck enthusiasts who love the sight and roar of trucks? If you are, then setting up a school in truck driving could be a good business for you. But, of course, just like any other business, before plunging into what the trade has to offer, it is wise to test the waters first. The best way to do so is to have a business plan.

Most truck drivers, before actually taking the practical road exam, enroll in a truck driving school. These types of schools offer instruction programs in truck driving which would help prepare the driver pass the difficult written exam to procure a license. To be able to start a truck driving school, one needs to have a large amount of capital. You should be prepared to shell out at least $10,000 and the maximum capital investment could be as high as $50,000.

But there’s no need to worry. This type of business has also a high return on investment. The estimated fee per student is at $3,000. Having new truck drivers aboard is not the only purpose of truck driving schools, they can also provide annual refresher courses for transportation companies. A refresher course in truck driving enables the employees to retain their excellent driving abilities, reduces road mishaps, and thus avoiding expenses in damaged vehicles; with all these set, the yearly profits would increase.

What comprises a good business plan? First, begin with your listeners in mind. It’s very unlikely that a lot of people would read parts of the documents that you prepare, let alone read all of it. But all the same, these people are important in jump starting your business.

The audience that you will have would be the finance officer or banker who would finance your truck; an insurance agent; a tax adviser or any CPA; your personal fiscal planner; a lawyer; and yes, even your spouse or relatives. In the absence of these people, don’t hesitate to still write your business plan. This plan is intended for you to write your business goals so that you have a clear-cut map of where you’re heading to and it also prevents bad choices when conditions on the trucking industry change.

A business plan is a series of steps where the starting point is mapped (noting what you have and what you want to do) and the endpoint is also specified (your goals). For example, you invested $10,000 and you plan to initially enroll at least 10 students a month. You goal could be to increase the number of students by 20 percent by the next month, and so forth and so on. Maybe you could consider hiring an additional employee to accommodate the increase in enrollment. With the increase in the number of students, you now begin to ask yourself some questions:

"Do I need to purchase additional trucks to have room for more students?"

"Is it feasible to add employees or is it better to hold several classes that a single person could handle?"

"What advertising plans will I establish to maintain the number of students per month?"

It does not take a financial expert to be able to produce a good truck driving school business plan. Each individual could produce a different one and yet their purpose is the same—to set goals for the entrepreneur and list the factors that would help the business grow. Couple that with passion for the business and you would surely succeed!

Starting it Right: the Best Undergraduate Business Schools

Going to school is probably not the most exciting thing to do, and certainly not when you have to face more teachers, try to get better grades, try to score high on your examinations, and still have fun and survive in the process, not to mention keep your sanity intact. Going to college is certainly a challenge where all of these are concerned, and if you are interested in going to business school, you may have to think about a lot of things, and you might have to do a lot of research in order to get yourself going.

In this day and age of digital technology, the Internet is your best friend when it comes to learning more about the business school that you plan to go to. However, there is no substitute for the human mind and will, so if you are planning to go to business school, you need to first know why you want to go to business school at all. Do you want to run your own business? Are you going to work in your family business, or at a desk job in a corporation? Will you be doing auditing for a major firm? Do you want to do some accounting?

The different business schools out there will specialize in many different fields, so before you start choosing a school, start thinking about your goals. When you finally have a goal, that is when you start choosing a school – and based largely on your prospective adviser. Look through the faculty list of each school and look for people who have interesting research work, or who are affiliated with companies that you would like to work with, or that are interesting enough for you to emulate in the future when you set up your own business.

When you finally find the faculty member that you like, email this faculty member and ask about the business school. See if the faculty member can give you a tour of the facilities, and ask to drop in for a visit. The best members of any faculty should be able to accommodate your requests and give you the chance to see how they can help you have a better future. Do not be afraid to ask questions: an undergraduate business school is a highly competitive place, and you need to know a lot of ins and outs in order to be comfortable enough in the business school atmosphere. This may lead you to perform even better.

There are other considerations, of course, that come into play, such as finances and location. Some schools will offer scholarships to academic achievers, but if you have average or only slightly above average grades, you might want to apply to a scholarship program that might be specific to your needs or status instead. You might also want to look at a school’s location: if you want to be far away from home and learn how to be independent, you will also have to spend more on lodging, out-of-state tuition, and other fees that are associated with living expenses. If you are near home, on the other hand, you can comfortably commute to school, but you need to factor in your commuting expenses as well.

These are only a few things that you may want to watch out for as you choose an undergraduate business school. Remember, there is no such thing as a single best undergraduate business school. The best school will be the one that is perfect for your needs and future goals, and it is one that will help you get through to a brighter future.

Kellogg School of Business

Try to visit the Kellogg School of Business and you will observe that their curriculum is certainly one of the most updated ones in the country today. Courses such as Biotechnology, Internet Marketing, Entertainment Management, Derivative Securities, Models and Technology, Empirical Methods in Strategy, and Spreadsheet Decision Models are all available here. This kind of curriculum is certainly not what you can find in other business schools in the country because other schools take time to adapt to the rapidly changing environment.

Meanwhile, the Kellogg School of Business has endeavored, over the past couple of years, to be a place where new and exciting ideas and nourished. This establishment believes that new ideas can provide diverse learning opportunities for their students so they can be successful in the industry. It is not surprising to discover then that the Kellogg School of Business has opened 50 new courses since 1995. Besides learning how to create financial statement and apply business theories, students in this school will also learn how to get enough capital to start up a company, enter new markets, and learn how to take advantage of the opportunity presented by information technology.

Basically, the Kellogg School is divided into six departments including the Management and Organization, Accounting Information and Management, Marketing, Managerial Economics and Decisions Sciences, and Finance. There are also a variety of professional programs available at the Kellogg School of Business such as Entrepreneurship and Innovation, International Business and Markets, Health Industry Management, Media Management, and Real Estate Management. Students who are interested in interdisciplinary majors can also look into the Kellogg School because they also offer Social Enterprises and Analytical Consulting courses.

As you can see, Kellogg School of Business is certainly a well-rounded organization to get into. They want their students to excel outside the classroom as well so their students are provided ample opportunities to apply what they have learned. Kellogg students are trained to be leaders and innovators so you can see them in different fields that let them use their talents to its fullest potential. For example, some Kellogg students are accomplished athletes, volunteers, successful businessmen, famous musicians, club leaders, as well as conference organizers.

There are certainly limitless opportunities for personal and professional growth at the Kellogg School of Business. The culture at this school is another thing that students love about the school because it has a unique culture that embraces people from different backgrounds and lifestyles; this provides the school with a better learning environment where students can understand each other better. You can expect that the academic life of students can become balanced with their extracurricular activities in this school. Being set in a laid-back and academic environment definitely contributes to the student’s growth as a well-rounded person.

With all these advantages in mind, it is really no wonder that Kellogg students become great leaders later on in life. Their leadership skills are already enhanced in schools so they become very effective leaders in the workplace. Right now, you should note that the Kellogg School of Business offers action learning opportunities for its students so that they will have a hands-on experience on what to expect in the real business environment after graduation. Some pre-term curriculum they have include decision making and crisis management so that students will know how to handle stressful situation while making effective decisions for the company.

Harvard Business School: Learning the Future of Business

When it comes to business schools, Harvard Business School always emerges as one of the top choices for many aspiring businessmen and entrepreneurs. This is the school that is famous throughout the world and is also one of the most respected. It has produced many of the past and present leaders in business and government. Harvard Business School is in fact the choice of the best students in the world and continues to be a beacon in quality business education.

The early years

Harvard Business School is also known as the George F. Baker Foundation and is sometimes referred to as HBS. Although it is known as an institution on its own, Harvard Business School is actually one of Harvard University's graduate schools. It was founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1908, with only 59 students. Two decades later, 500 students had enrolled.

In 1927, the business school was relocated to Allston, an area that is located on the opposite side of the Charles River from the University. Although pioneering in its curriculum offerings, it took Harvard Business School four more decades to begin admitting women to its business program. Today, women form 30-35% of the students currently enrolled in business programs at Harvard.

Harvard Business School programs

Harvard Business School offers several programs for would-be business leaders. These include:

MBA Program

The MBA program offered by HBS is a full-time, two-year program. The first year is spent completing the required curriculum consisting of mandatory courses. There are two semesters per curriculum, with each semester spent focused on specific topics. On the second year, the student can choose among the subjects offered in the elective curriculum. There are about 96 courses offered as electives and students can prioritize a course depending on their preferences and the availability of the classes. As an alternative, students can choose to finish certain field studies instead of attending class.

Doctoral Program

The doctoral program offered by HBS intends to develop people and prepare them for careers as teachers and researchers. Students entering the program who do not have a masters degree in business are required to complete a minimum of 5 courses included in the curriculum for MBAs.

The doctoral program at HBS is full-time, with a required minimum of 2 years for students to stay in residence. Students are expected to spend at least 2 years completing course work and another 2 years for dissertation. The doctoral program can be completed in about 4 or 5 years.

Executive Education

Although Harvard Business School does not offer an Executive MBA, it does offer executive programs. Although these programs are non-degrees, they do award alumni status to students who complete them. These executive programs include:

The OPM or Owner/President Management Program

This part-time program is designed for entrepreneurs who own and run their businesses.

The AMP or Advanced Management Program

This program is intended for senior-level managers in companies and organizations and may be completed in just 8 weeks.

The GMP or General Management Program

This program is designed for training middle managers and may be taken part-time. It requires some courses to be completed on campus and some courses completed as part of a distance learning program.


Harvard Business School consists of a highly diverse student population, with students coming from many countries and background. It has some of the world's most selective admissions procedures. Their 2008 class, for example, has a 15% admission rate.

To become part of the student body at Harvard Business School, an applicant must have completed one degree program at any undergraduate school accredited in the U.S. or at least the equivalent. A student must also pass the GMAT exam and complete required tests and documents. Foreign students may also be required to pass IELTS or TOEFL tests.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Role of Harvard Business School Publishing in Today's Business

The Harvard Business School Publishing has been created as a non-profit organization that will publish products associated with the Harvard Business School. Some publications that this organization publishes include the notable Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business School Case Studies, and the Harvard Business Press. Each of these publications has their own target audience although these are mostly students and professional in the business field.

For example, the Harvard Business Review is the management journal wherein new business practices and trends are usually published. On the other hand, the Harvard Business Press prints out general interest book for students taking up business courses and professionals who want to learn more by reading books. Meanwhile, the Harvard Business School Case Studies was incorporated in 1994. Basically, this organization takes a deep look at different real-life situations in corporations around the world so that students will learn why these events have happened and analyze what they can do to prevent or imitate a similar scenario in the future.

Being a prestigious organization, the Harvard Business School Publishing, the organization has various leading authors and a number of business practitioners to tap into. They also have world-class curriculum and editorial team who always come up with relevant and up to date materials for the organization. Because of these characteristics, there are many corporations that seek the help of the Harvard Business School Publishing to help them improve their business. The Harvard Business School Publishing can offer various solutions to their needs including change management, leadership development, executive development, global business management, performance management, innovation, and talent management among many others.

As you can see, the Harvard Business School Publishing really plays a big role in bridging the gap amongst the academia, the real business environment, and its managers. They provide quality help to businesses and individuals that need it in order to improve. Aside from the business corporations though, the Harvard Business School Publishing also helps government organizations such as the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Justice, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the Defense Acquisition University, the Federal Aviation Authority, the United States Army, and the United States Navy.

Right now, the business environment is experiencing drastic changes; you can expect that this organization will help them ride through these changes effectively through their programs and services. Taking advantage of the services provided by the Harvard Business School Publishing will definitely aid organization in becoming successful and maintaining this success in the long term. With all the advantages any business can get from their services, it is no wonder that the Harvard Business School Publishing is expanding its reach through its eLearning programs as well as several other programs available over the internet.

You should also take note that simply visiting the Harvard Business School Publishing will already give you a glimpse of the market trends prevailing today. There are various articles and tools you can expect from their websites and from reading these content, you will get a better understanding of the strategies being used by large businesses today.

There are other business units under this organization such as the Harvard Business School Publishing Conferences, the Harvard Business School Publishing Higher Education, the Harvard Business School Publishing Newsletters, and the Harvard Business School Publishing Corporate Learning. Currently, this organization employs around 250 employees who are mostly based in the Boston area and New York City.

Online Business Schools: An Overview of Their Marketing Strategies

If you are a confused student who doesn’t know which school to choose to have the best quality of business education, then fret no more. There are so many ways of finishing a degree in business and an equally numerous number of schools that offer varying programs. There are so many factors to consider in choosing a business school: first, you have to know if you would like to settle for a degree program or just certificate courses. There are also post-graduate programs that are being offered; also, what field of business are you most interested in? Is it accounting, marketing, management, banking and finance?

With these factors in mind (which is enough to make one acquire an instant migraine), you would also have to consider whether you have enough time to allot for your education. Given that you have the finances to support your education and the guts to finish the course, still, another question is the location of the business school that you have chosen and whether you have enough time to travel to and fro. Looking at this scenario, would you consider enrolling in an online business school?

There are now many online business schools that offer different programs to suit your available time and your needs. These schools are being marketed on the internet in countless forms. Some are done in live presentations while some are presented only during the student’s available time.

There are still a lot of questions to answer when you have finally decided to enroll online. First, how much are you willing to spend? There are Ivy League schools even on the internet and they are marketed constantly with the most colorful websites and advertising schemes. There are also those schools that could accommodate students who are on a tight budget.

Another question is how much time are you willing to commit? You would be glad to know that there are schools that offer short-term courses which could last just for a few days while there are also degree courses which could take months or even years.

If you would go online, you would notice that there are so many marketing strategies that these schools do to lure students to take their online programs. Some are highlighting the major achievements and awards that their school has gotten over a number of years. Others show the names of alumni who have marked a spot in business history.

Even major business universities have now joined the bandwagon and are now bringing in students online. Some of these schools include the following famous schools: Stanford Business School, The Sauder School of Business, Georgetown University, to name a handful.

Online business schools are, indeed, a great alternative to traditional schooling. And with so many persuasive websites out there, sometimes it can get confusing. That is why, it is wise to look at the track records of these schools rather than to just fall in love with the colorful pictures of their campus that you get to see online. It is also sensible to consider their facilities and their values. Once these factors coincide with your expectations, then it’s time to get your credit card or checkbook and start a rewarding course with your school of choice.

Looking for a Business School?

Here are Tips on Finding the Best and Ditching Whats Not...

Whether you are a parent scouting for the best schools in town to educate your business professional wannabe, or a student on the lookout for the first rate business schools, it is important that the right choice be made. And to be able to make the right choice, you should be able to tell which business schools offer the best training curriculum and facilities.

A good school can be measured by the alumni it has produced, the programs it can offer, and, best of all, by the ranking that it gets from several survey bodies across the globe. If you only want the best, rankings can help you make the decision. There are rankings for the schools that are selective in their enrollment process, there are those who are ranked high because they constantly procure awards from business institutions, and there are those who are recognized for their contribution in the business community.

Who does the rankings for these business schools, anyway? Practically everyone and anyone. There are surveys that are being conducted (mostly annually) and the best schools are rated by several people. Now, just how important are rankings anyway? Are these enough to prove that the top schools that you are scouting are reputable or that they provide quality set of courses?

Keep in mind that most of these schools already have proven track records in providing the best quality of business education and producing choice graduates. The only difference that rankings or accreditations make is reputation. Once a university gets a certain label on its name, then you are assured that their faculty, resources, facilities, and curriculum have all passed a definite criteria on quality.

If you are still confused on which school to choose, then it’s time to assess your goals on your career. These career objectives should coincide with the values that certain schools offer (not to mention that they have the specific program that would suit your needs). Once you narrow down your career choices, then the number of schools on your list would automatically be limited.

To further trim down the number of schools on the list, it’s time to consider the location and your budget. Full-time MBAs, of course, cost more and take longer to finish. There are business schools that offer executive and part-time programs on this. Remember that you are not looking for a low-budget program. Instead, keep in mind that you are looking for a school that provides a good return on your investment.

If your list remains long, then it’s time to consider the schools’ service department on career. Do they really produce good results? With more hits to any particular school, then it would mean that their graduates and MBA holders are hired more than the competitors. Receiving any form of scholarship would also greatly influence any potential candidate’s choice of school.

Most of the top business schools (especially those that are constantly ranked to be one of the best) have world class services, that is why it is best to prepare well before embarking on their entrance examinations and grueling interviews. Only the best of the best are accepted on the top business schools (especially the Ivy League)—the la crème de la crème; so expect the best and prepare for the worst!

Harvard Business School Press: The Preeminent Business Publisher

Harvard Business School Press or HBSP is the publishing arm of Harvard Business School Publishing. It is a not for profit organization and is an owned subsidiary of the well-respected and admired Harvard Business School. The profits earned from the sale of its publications are used for funding research performed at Harvard Business School.

Harvard Business School Press is actually a large corporation that encompasses the group that publishes books often used in the Harvard Business School itself. The sole shareholder of HBSP is the Dean of Harvard Business School.

Harvard Business School Press was founded in 1984, 76 years after the establishment of Harvard Business School. Its main purpose is to publish and provide business books not only to its students but also to entrepreneurs and organizations. Due to the high quality of its publications and the stringent standards it has maintained over the years, Harvard Business School Press has become a very influential force in the business world. It is touted as one of the best sources of business ideas and has been involved in the implementation of many of the most prevalent business concepts today.

Mission and values

Harvard Business School Press aims to contribute to the improvement of management and business practices by developing media services and products that provide organizations and individuals with valuable ideas and concepts. Their goal is to become the top choice as a publisher by content providers, experts and authors who provide influential ideas in both business and management.

A meticulous process of editing

Harvard Business School Press is highly distinguished in the field of publishing due in part to its exacting editorial process and practices. In order for a manuscript to see print, it is reviewed, assessed and edited by some of the industry's most respected experts and peers. Only the best and most reliable publications are then released for distribution.

Key publications of Harvard Business School Press

Harvard Business School Press is the publisher of the preeminent Harvard Business Review. This publication is one of the top magazines on general management that provides research-based articles and information. It has one of the largest readerships in the industry and is well-respected by business experts and academics. To date, its circulation is about 240,000 (for the English language publication) and has 11 editions licensed, including releases in German, Portuguese and Chinese.

This is the same publication responsible for introducing certain business terms to the lexicon, such as: 'glass ceiling', 're-engineering', 'globalization', 'core competence' and 'strategic intent', among others.

Some of its leading titles include: Michael Watkins' 'The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels', Huselid, Becker and Beatty's 'The Workforce Scorecard: Managing Human Capital to Execute Strategy', Robert Kaplan and David Norton's 'The Strategy-Focused Organization' and 'Strategy Maps' and 'How Customers Think: Essential Insights Into the Mind of the Market'.

Harvard Business School Press also publishes works by its faculty, including books, manuals, working papers, published articles, case studies, course notes and teaching notes. The Press also accepts manuscripts from other writers and academics outside its educational system and also allows requests and offers to translate any of its publications. Case studies may be requested from the Press' case collection but they are strictly for educational purposes only and will not be released for research or media distribution.

Harvard Business School Press has approximately 400 book titles already in print.

Course Programs Offered by Fleet Business School

Fleet Business School is a school in Annapolis, Maryland that offers one- to less than two-year undergraduate degrees in several programs. This is a private, for-profit institution founded in 1934. Students who prefer a low teacher to student ratio will appreciate this school. The current ratio stands at 1:11. Its student body is dominated by White and Black Americans who consist of 94% of the total population with Hispanics, Asians and Pacific Islanders consisting of the rest.

Courses offered by Fleet Business School

Fleet Business School offers a limited number of degrees in business, computers, legal and administrative fields. Some information about these programs are provided below:

Business Administration and Management

This degree prepares students for a role in business and entrepreneurship. The program includes courses in business management, marketing, finance and accounting.

Employability outlook for this course: The field of business is highly competitive but for students who are proactive and determined to make a mark in this industry, there are sectors they can penetrate, including corporate, government and private sectors. They can also apply their new skills into building and sustaining their own business.

Business Computer Facilities Operator

This degree teaches students the fundamentals of computer monitoring and control. It also includes lessons in the processing of electronic data that will be used in science, engineering and business. The program essentially equips students with the necessary skills to operate computers and related equipment in order to manipulate and control a computer system, including the computer terminal. It will also prepare them to perform diagnostics in case of equipment malfunction and to make necessary corrections of errors.

Employability outlook for this course: Generally, students who graduate from this program will be required by employers to undergo on-the-job training. Entry level salary is approximately US$21,000 a year, with an average annual salary of US$ 33,500 a year.

Health and Medical Administrative Services

This course prepares students to become clinical managers, with more specific tasks and responsibilities than medical generalists. Their job encompasses the maintenance and monitoring of patient health records and as such, must be trained to secure these records through software and computer technology.

Health and medical administrative services graduates will also work with medical doctors and physicians. In some cases, they might even be tasked to help formulate strategies to improve clinical and hospital services and to coordinate the daily business of the facility. The course will also prepare the student to handle and manage related administrative work, such as those involving personnel, planning, patient flow, budgeting and billing and collection.

Employability outlook for this course: Health care is still an industry that will require skilled workers, so expect job opportunities to be good, especially if applicants have a solid background in training and related work or on-the-job experience. The work environment for this type of course is usually in private offices, hospitals and nursing care facilities. The course offered by Fleet Business School is sufficient for entry level positions.

Tourism and Travel Services

Students who take up this course will be trained to provide services to motel and hotel guests. With tourism becoming an increasingly competitive field, employees in this sector are expected to become proactive marketers and strategic partners. Their studies will cover office management, hotel operations and sales and marketing.

Employability outlook for this course: The tourism field is still a growth area and as such, competition in travel opportunities, hospitality services and consumer demand will continue to rise. This demand will require graduates who are knowledgeable and equipped with the right skills in order to help manage tourism and hotel operations.

Legal Administrative Secretary Program

This course will prepare students for employment in the field of law. As such, they will be trained in practical knowledge of administrative tasks and skills related to the industry. The curriculum includes courses that will familiarize students with legal, administrative and business tools and methodologies often used in a legal office.

Employability outlook for this course: The program offered by Fleet Business School prepares the student for work as an assistant in a government or law office or a corporate legal department. He or she can then pursue a different specialization, including corporate law, labor law, criminal law, litigation, employee benefits or personal injury.